Barry Mckinley Continued.... I'm writing this bio myself 'cause I wanna express the truth… right from the heart. I love music, been playing since I was 10. I love writing and arranging tunes, building a mood with words, finding the groove, getting in the pocket with my bro's… just making the whole thing mesh, you know… work. This Side Up works for me. I was in my first band in '67, did the local scene, studio work, taught drums for awhile, and played with a lot of talented musicians… what a long strange trip it's been.
But that's not the whole story. I came together with This Side Up with an idea in my heart, and the guys all share in this idea, (how cool is that!!!) and we all have a personal relationship with the Creator of the Universe. As a Christian, I know real purpose in my life… the idea is to let that purpose flow though the music and shine in the show, the presentation, the entire project. See, it's not just about the music, there's a whole lot more. The truth? Jesus Christ changed my life, saved my soul, gave me purpose and peace, forgiveness and grace… yeah, it's real. I want you to know that nothing is gonna keep me from telling you just how much our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, loves you… believe it. I'm a single father with 2 sons that mean everything to me, Barry Jr. and Stephen, God is good. Let the music touch your heart.
Peace,Barry 2002© |